Detailed WFS Description

Version: 1.1
Release: 03/22/2017
Authors: REDD-PAC Team

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


LandCover2000.shp Land cover data for 2000.
ProtectedAreas2000.shp Protected areas in 2000.
Scenarios GLOBIOM outputs.
municipalities_wgs84.shp Brazilian municipalities.
protareas_final.shp Protected areas from MMA.
simulationunits_multipolygons_wfs_wgs84.shp Basic simulation unit data for Brazil.
wfs_biomes.shp Biomes.
wfs_colrows_transportcost_allproducts.shp General transportation costs.
wfs_colrows_transportcost_byproduct.shp Transportation cost by products.
wfs_conservationunits_mma.shp Conservation units.
wfs_federalstates.shp Federal States.
wfs_indigenousareas_funai.shp Indigenous Areas.
wfs_municipalities_basis.shp Municipalities.
wfs_municipalities_pam.shp Municipality layer with PAM values.
wfs_municipalities_plantedforest.shp Municipality layer with Planted Forest values.
wfs_municipalities_ppm.shp This municipality layer contains the data of the PPM study (livestock heads and Tropical Livestock Units).
wfs_protectedareas.shp Union of all areas that should be considered as 'protected' in GLOBIOM.
wfs_protectedareas_attributes.csv Protected areas.
wfs_publicforests_mma.shp Public forests.
wfs_simus_algorithminput.shp Simulation Units with algorithm input.
wfs_simus_algorithmresults.shp Simulation Units with GLOBIOM land cover.
wfs_simus_basis.shp Simulation Units for Brazil.
wfs_simus_individualcrops.shp Individual crops by Simulation Units for Brazil.
wfs_simus_livestock.shp Simulation Units layer with livestock data.
wfs_simus_modis*.shp Simulation Units layer with MODIS.
wfs_simus_plantedforest.shp Simulation Units with Planted Forest Area.
wfs_simus_prodes.shp Simulation Units with PRODES data.
wfs_simus_terraclass2008.shp Simulation Units with TerraClass 2008 data.
wfs_simus_terraclass2010.shp Simulation Units with TerraClass 2010 data.
wfs_sosma.shp SOS Mata Atlantica.
wfs_vegetation_ibge.shp Vegetation map of Brazil.


Land cover data for 2000. It represents the total land cover area for the GLOBIOM's CRs. Areas are in 1000ha.
  • Files: LandCover2000.dbf, LandCover2000.prj, LandCover2000.qpj, LandCover2000.shp, LandCover2000.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 3001
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: REDD-PAC team
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    CrpLnd2000numberCropland area in 2000.
    Forest2000numberForest area in 2000.
    GRD30stringReference number in a 30'' wide latitude/longitude grid.
    Grass2000numberGrass land area in 2000.
    HRUnumberHomogenous response unit (see GLOBIOM description above).
    NatLnd2000numberNatural Land in 2000.
    NotRel2000numberNot relevant areas in 2000.
    OthAgri200numberOther non-pasture agriculture areas besides the 18 crops modelled by GLOBIOM.
    WetLnd2000numberWetlands in 2000.
    colrowstringCol Row unique identification.


Protected areas in 2000. It represents the total land cover area that belong to protected areas within each GlOBIOM's CR. Areas are in 1000ha.
  • Files: ProtectedAreas2000.dbf, ProtectedAreas2000.prj, ProtectedAreas2000.qpj, ProtectedAreas2000.shp, ProtectedAreas2000.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 3001
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: REDD-PAC team
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    Forest2000numberForest area in 2000.
    GRD30stringReference number in a 30'' wide latitude/longitude grid.
    HRUnumberHomogenous response unit (see GLOBIOM description above).
    NotRel2000numberNot relevant areas in 2000.
    OthNatLnd2numberOther natural land areas in 2000.
    WetLnd2000numberWetlands in 2000.
    colrowstringCol Row unique identification.


GLOBIOM outputs. The outputs are available for the different scenarios: FC, FCnoCRA, FCnoCRAnoSFA, FCnoSFA, IDC_Amazon, IDC_Brazil, and IDC_No. All the attributes below that contain [year] represent six different columns, for the years 2000 (input data), 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, and 2050. These attributes describe areas in 1000ha.
  • Files: FC.dbf, FC.prj, FC.shp, FC.shx, FCnoCRA.dbf, FCnoCRA.prj, FCnoCRA.shp, FCnoCRA.shx, FCnoCRAnoSFA.dbf, FCnoCRAnoSFA.prj, FCnoCRAnoSFA.shp, FCnoCRAnoSFA.shx, FCnoSFA.dbf, FCnoSFA.prj, FCnoSFA.shp, FCnoSFA.shx, IDC_Amazon.dbf, IDC_Amazon.prj, IDC_Amazon.shp, IDC_Amazon.shx, IDC_Brazil.dbf, IDC_Brazil.prj, IDC_Brazil.shp, IDC_Brazil.shx, IDC_No.dbf, IDC_No.prj, IDC_No.shp, IDC_No.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 3001
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: REDD-PAC team
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    Barl2000, Barl2010, Barl2020, Barl2030, Barl2040, Barl2050numberBarley.
    BeaD2000, BeaD2010, BeaD2020, BeaD2030, BeaD2040, BeaD2050numberDry Beans.
    Cass2000, Cass2010, Cass2020, Cass2030, Cass2040, Cass2050numberCassava.
    Corn2000, Corn2010, Corn2020, Corn2030, Corn2040, Corn2050numberCorn.
    Cott2000, Cott2010, Cott2020, Cott2030, Cott2040, Cott2050numberCotton.
    CrpLnd2000, CrpLnd2010, CrpLnd2020, CrpLnd2030, CrpLnd2040, CrpLnd2050numberCrop Land.
    DEFOR2010, DEFOR2020, DEFOR2030, DEFOR2040, DEFOR2050numberDeforestation.
    FOR_PA2000, FOR_PA2010, FOR_PA2020, FOR_PA2030, FOR_PA2040, FOR_PA2050numberProtected Areas.
    ForReg2000, ForReg2010, ForReg2020, ForReg2030, ForReg2040, ForReg2050numberRegenerated Forest.
    GRD30stringReference number in a 30'' wide latitude/longitude grid.
    Gnut2000, Gnut2010, Gnut2020, Gnut2030, Gnut2040, Gnut2050numberGroundnuts.
    GrsLnd2000, GrsLnd2010, GrsLnd2020, GrsLnd2030, GrsLnd2040, GrsLnd2050numberGrass Land.
    HRUnumberHomogeneous Response Unit.
    LV_BOV2000, LV_BOV2010, LV_BOV2020, LV_BOV2030, LV_BOV2040, LV_BOV2050numberLive bovine.
    LV_SGT2000, LV_SGT2010, LV_SGT2020, LV_SGT2030, LV_SGT2040, LV_SGT2050numberLive sheep and goat.
    MngFor2000, MngFor2010, MngFor2020, MngFor2030, MngFor2040, MngFor2050numberManaged Forest.
    NATLD2000, NATLD2010, NATLD2020, NATLD2030, NATLD2040, NATLD2050numberOther non-forest land not currently under production.
    NatLnd2000, NatLnd2010, NatLnd2020, NatLnd2030, NatLnd2040, NatLnd2050numberOther non-forest land not currently under production (copy of attribute NATLD).
    OPAL2000, OPAL2010, OPAL2020, OPAL2030, OPAL2040, OPAL2050numberOil Palm.
    PltFor2000, PltFor2010, PltFor2020, PltFor2030, PltFor2040, PltFor2050numberPlanted Forest.
    Pota2000, Pota2010, Pota2020, Pota2030, Pota2040, Pota2050numberPotatoes.
    PriFor2000, PriFor2010, PriFor2020, PriFor2030, PriFor2040, PriFor2050numberPrimary Forest.
    Rice2000, Rice2010, Rice2020, Rice2030, Rice2040, Rice2050numberRice.
    Soya2000, Soya2010, Soya2020, Soya2030, Soya2040, Soya2050numberSoya.
    Srgh2000, Srgh2010, Srgh2020, Srgh2030, Srgh2040, Srgh2050numberSorghum.
    SugC2000, SugC2010, SugC2020, SugC2030, SugC2040, SugC2050numberSugarcane.
    SwPo2000, SwPo2010, SwPo2020, SwPo2030, SwPo2040, SwPo2050numberSweet Potatoes.
    Whea2000, Whea2010, Whea2020, Whea2030, Whea2040, Whea2050numberWheat.
    colrowstringCol Row unique identification.


Brazilian municipalities.
  • Files: municipalities_wgs84.dbf, municipalities_wgs84.prj, municipalities_wgs84.qpj, municipalities_wgs84.shp, municipalities_wgs84.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 5564
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: Adapted from IBGE (
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    area_hanumberArea of the municipality in hectares.
    geocodig_mnumberCode of the municipality.
    name_plainstringName of the municipality.
    nome_mesostringName of the mesoregion that contains the municipality.
    nome_microstringName of the microregion that contains the municipality.
    perc_legalnumberPercentage of the municipality's area within Legal Amazonia.
    regiostringOne of the five Brazilian regions that contains the municipality.
    siglastringAcronym of the Brazilian region that contains the municipality.


Protected areas from MMA.
  • Files: protareas_final.dbf, protareas_final.prj, protareas_final.qpj, protareas_final.shp, protareas_final.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 10083
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source:
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    area_geonumberArea of the geometry.
    area_panumberArea of the protected area that this polygon is part of.
    id_uc0, id_wcmc2, nome_uc1, nome_org12, categori3, grupo4, esfera5, ano_cria6, gid7, qualidad8, ato_lega9, dt_ultim10, codigo_u11stringOriginal attributes from MMA. Please refer to MMA for documentation.
    loc_codestringThis is an id for the areas. Spatially disconnected parts have different Ids. Parts that overlap with other conservation units also get a different ID.
    overlapsstringA string indicating whether such area has an overlap with another protected area.


Basic simulation unit data for Brazil.


Biomes. The biome map by IBGE was not used as input to create the GLOBIOM land cover map. It was used for aggregation statistics and for visual orientation while interpreting maps. The version available on the REDD-PAC WFS and on the website is a slightly adapted version of the original data available publicly at IBGE. We did a geometrical cleaning, when overlaps, rings, holes were removed. We also merged the the inland water bodies (rivers, lakes) to the surrounding biomes. We extende the biomes to cover islands close to the mainland, such as Ilha Bela and Ilha Grande. Islands that are far away (e.g. Fernando de Noronha) are not included. We corrected the boundaries of the biome map to match the municipality map.
  • Files: wfs_biomes.dbf, wfs_biomes.prj, wfs_biomes.qpj, wfs_biomes.shp, wfs_biomes.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 6
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: Adapted from IBGE (
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    COD_BIOMAstringCode of the biome.
    NOM_BIOMAstringName of the biome.
    areastringThe biome's area in millions of hectares (including unit).
    area_miohanumberThe biome's area in millions of hectares.


General transportation costs.


Transportation cost by products.
  • Files: wfs_colrows_transportcost_byproduct.dbf, wfs_colrows_transportcost_byproduct.prj, wfs_colrows_transportcost_byproduct.qpj, wfs_colrows_transportcost_byproduct.shp, wfs_colrows_transportcost_byproduct.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 3001
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: REDD-PAC team
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    BVMEATnumberBovine meat (Carne bovina).
    BVMILKnumberBovine milk (Leite de vaca).
    BarlnumberBarley (Cevada).
    BeaDnumberDry Beans (Feijao).
    CassnumberCassava (Mandioca).
    ChkPnumberChicken and poultry (Frango).
    CornnumberCorn (Milho).
    CottnumberCotton (Algodao).
    EW_BiomassnumberBiomass from existing forests (traditional fire wood).
    FW_BiomassnumberFire Wood biomass.
    GRD30stringReference number in a 30'' wide latitude/longitude grid.
    GnutnumberGroundnuts (Amendoim).
    HRUnumberHomogeneous Response Unit.
    IP_BiomassnumberBiomass from short rotation plantation.
    MillnumberMillet (Milheto).
    OPALnumberOil Palm (Dende).
    OW_BiomassnumberOther Wood biomass.
    PGMEATnumberPig meat (Carne de porco).
    PTEGGSnumberPoultry eggs (Ovos de frango).
    PTMEATnumberPoultry meat (Carne de frango).
    PW_BiomassnumberPulp Wood biomass.
    PotanumberPotatoes (Batata).
    RapenumberRapeseed (Canola).
    RicenumberRice (Arroz).
    SGMEATnumberSheep and goat meat (Carne de carneiro e bode).
    SGMILKnumberSheep and goat milk (Leite de ovelha e cabra).
    SW_BiomassnumberSawn Wood biomass.
    SoyanumberSoya (Soja).
    SrghnumberSorghum (Sorgo).
    SugCnumberSugarcane (Cana-De-Acucar).
    SunfnumberSunflower (Girassol).
    SwPonumberSweet Potatoes (Batata Doce).
    WheanumberWheat (Trigo).
    colrowstringCol Row unique identification.


Conservation units. The conservation units' map by MMA is one of the parts of the protected areas in GLOBIOM. The version available on the REDD-PAC WFS is a slightly adapted version of the original data available publicly at MMA. The original conservation units' map contains about 3.7 millions of hectares of overlapping areas. If such a map is used without removing the overlaps, areas can be counted twice, so we removed them. In the overlapping area, the part belonging to the smaller protected area is removed, but its ID is stored in the attribute 'overlaps', so no information is lost. The adaptations that were carried out include removal of geometry errors, and removal of overlaps. The version shown on the website was further simplified to reduce loading time (simplification using the QGIS simplification algorithm, deletion of sliver polygons below 2 hectares).
  • Files: wfs_conservationunits_mma.dbf, wfs_conservationunits_mma.prj, wfs_conservationunits_mma.qpj, wfs_conservationunits_mma.shp, wfs_conservationunits_mma.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 10083
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: MMA
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    ID_UC0stringThis is an attribute provided by MMA. It is the areas' ID.
    ID_WCMC2, NOME_UC1, NOME_ORG12, CATEGORI3, GRUPO4, ESFERA5, ANO_CRIA6, GID7, QUALIDAD8, ATO_LEGA9, DT_ULTIM10, CODIGO_U11stringOriginal attributes from MMA. Please refer to MMA for documentation.
    area_geonumberThis is the area of the areas after deletion of overlaps, in meters. In case an area consists of spatially disconnected parts, this attribute contains the area of every single part. (On the website, this attribute is called 'area_ha' and is in meters).
    area_hanumberThis is the area of the areas after deletion of overlaps, in hectares. In case an area consists of spatially disconnected parts, this attribute contains the area of every single part.
    area_panumberThis is the area of the entire protected area, before deletion of overlaps and including all parts of a conservation unit (in case it consists of spatially disconnected parts). In meters.
    loc_codestringThis is an id for the areas. Spatially disconnected parts have different Ids. Parts that overlap with other conservation units also get a different ID.
    overlapsstringThis map does not contain any overlaps. When two areas overlap, the part that belongs to the smaller area is deleted. Its ID is recorded in this attribute.


Federal States. It was created from the map of municipalities, by spatially dissolving the map using the 'Sigla' attribute. It was not used for the GLOBIOM land cover map, but is useful for visual analyses of land cover data.
  • Files: wfs_federalstates.dbf, wfs_federalstates.prj, wfs_federalstates.qpj, wfs_federalstates.shp, wfs_federalstates.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 27
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: REDD-PAC team
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    abbrevstringAbbreviation of the federal state, e.g. 'SP'.
    statestringName of the federal state (without diacritics or special symbols), e.g. 'Sao Paulo'.
    uf_numbernumberNumber of the federal state (federal union, uniao federal), e.g. 35.


Indigenous Areas. The indigenous areas map by FUNAI is one of the parts of the protected areas in GLOBIOM. The version available on the REDD-PAC WFS is a slightly adapted version of the original data available publicly at FUNAI. The original map of the indigenous areas contains about one million of hectares of overlapping areas. If such a map is used without removing the overlaps, areas can be counted twice, so we removed them. In the overlapping area, the part belonging to the smaller protected area is removed, but its ID is stored in the attribute 'overlaps', so no information is lost. The adaptations that were carried out include geometry errors, as found by QGIS, were removed manually (QGIS), and removal of overlaps, using GRASS GIS and R. The version shown on the website was simplified to reduce loading time (geometrical simplification using the QGIS simplification algorithm, deletion of sliver polygons with area less than 1000 square meters).
  • Files: wfs_indigenousareas_funai.dbf, wfs_indigenousareas_funai.prj, wfs_indigenousareas_funai.qpj, wfs_indigenousareas_funai.shp, wfs_indigenousareas_funai.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 2763
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: FUNAI
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    area_geonumberThis is the area of the areas after deletion of overlaps, in meters. In case an area consists of spatially disconnected parts, this attribute contains the area of every single part.
    area_hanumberThis is the area of the areas after deletion of overlaps, in hectares. In case an area consists of spatially disconnected parts, this attribute contains the area of every single part.
    area_panumberThis is the area of the entire indigenous area, before deletion of overlaps and including all parts of a indigenous area (in case it consists of spatially disconnected parts). In meters.
    loc_codestringThis is an id for the areas. Spatially disconnected parts have different Ids. Parts that overlap with other conservation units also get a different ID.
    overlapsstringThis map does not contain any overlaps. When two areas overlap, the part that belongs to the smaller area is deleted. Its ID is recorded in this attribute.
    terrai_codnumberThis is an ID of the areas, provided by FUNAI.
    terrai_nom, etnia_nome, municipio_, uf_sigla, superficie, fase_ti, modalidade, reestudo_t, superfic_1stringOriginal attributes from FUNAI. Please refer to FUNAI for documentation.


Municipalities. Boundaries of the Brazilian municipalities in 2007. It was used for distributing municipality-based agricultural data on the simulation units. The layers available on the REDD-PAC WFS and on the website are slightly adapted versions of the original data available publicly at IBGE. We deleted two polygons that are not municipalities but large lakes - as they have NULL values in most attributes, they disturb analysis. We computed the percentage of each municipality that is located inside the Legal Amazon area, using the Legal Amazon's outline. We added the attributes that were used for creating the GLOBIOM land cover map. This layer contains the basic information about the municipalities: The regions, the area size in hectares, the amount of area that is inside the Legal Amazon.
  • Files: wfs_municipalities_basis.dbf, wfs_municipalities_basis.prj, wfs_municipalities_basis.qpj, wfs_municipalities_basis.shp, wfs_municipalities_basis.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 5564
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: Adapted from IBGE (
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    GEOCODIG_MnumberCode of the municipality.
    areastringArea in hectares or square kilometres (depending on the municipality's size), as string, with unit included. Computed in QGIS, using an Albers Equal Area projection. It is not the official area of the municipalities.
    area_hanumberArea in hectares (numerical attribute), computed in QGIS, using an Albers Equal Area projection. It is not the official area of the municipalities.
    mesoregstringName of the meso-region.
    microregstringName of the micro-region.
    name_plainstringName of the municipality without any special characters.
    perc_legalnumberPercent of the municipality's area that is located in the Legal Amazon area.
    regionstringName of the region.
    statestringName of the federal state.
    state_abbstringAbbreviation of the federal state.


Municipality layer with PAM values. This municipality layer contains the input values of the PAM study (crop area). These are the values by municipality which were used as input to the allocation algorithm. All attributes exist for the year 2000 and for the year 2010. Attributes exist in several units: Planted area in thousands of hectares (are_...), produced quantity in tons (ton_...), monetary value of the produced crops in thousands of Brazilian Reais (BRL) (val_...).
  • Files: wfs_municipalities_pam.dbf, wfs_municipalities_pam.prj, wfs_municipalities_pam.qpj, wfs_municipalities_pam.shp, wfs_municipalities_pam.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 5564
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source:
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    GEOCODIG_MnumberCode of the municipality.
    are_Barl00, are_Barl10, ton_Barl00, ton_Barl10, var_Barl00, var_Barl10numberArea, weight or value of Barley (Cevada) in the years 2000 and 2010.
    are_BeaD00, are_BeaD10, ton_BeaD00, ton_BeaD10, var_BeaD00, var_BeaD10numberArea, weight or value of Dry Beans (Feijao) in the years 2000 and 2010.
    are_CasN00, are_CasN10, ton_CasN00, ton_CasN10, var_CasN00, var_CasN10numberArea, weight or value of Cashew nuts (CastanhaCaju) in the years 2000 and 2010.
    are_Cass00, are_Cass10, ton_Cass00, ton_Cass10, var_Cass00, var_Cass10number... Cassava (Mandioca).
    are_Ccau00, are_Ccau10, ton_Ccau00, ton_Ccau10, var_Ccau00, var_Ccau10number... Cacao (Cacau).
    are_Coff00, are_Coff10, ton_Coff00, ton_Coff10, var_Coff00, var_Coff10number... Coffee (Cafe).
    are_Corn00, are_Corn10, ton_Corn00, ton_Corn10, var_Corn00, var_Corn10number... Corn (Milho).
    are_Cott00, are_Cott10, ton_Cott00, ton_Cott10, var_Cott00, var_Cott10number... Cotton (Algodao).
    are_Gnut00, are_Gnut10, ton_Gnut00, ton_Gnut10, var_Gnut00, var_Gnut10number... Groundnuts (Amendoim).
    are_OPAL00, are_OPAL10, ton_OPAL00, ton_OPAL10, var_OPAL00, var_OPAL10number... Oil Palm (Dende).
    are_Oats00, are_Oats10, ton_Oats00, ton_Oats10, var_Oats00, var_Oats10number... Oat (Aveia).
    are_Pota00, are_Pota10, ton_Pota00, ton_Pota10, var_Pota00, var_Pota10number... Potatoes (Batata).
    are_Rice00, are_Rice10, ton_Rice00, ton_Rice10, var_Rice00, var_Rice10number... Rice (Arroz).
    are_Sisa00, are_Sisa10, ton_Sisa00, ton_Sisa10, var_Sisa00, var_Sisa10number... Sisal (Sisal).
    are_Soy00, are_Soy10, ton_Soy00, ton_Soy10, var_Soy00, var_Soy10number... Soy (Soja).
    are_Srgh00, are_Srgh10, ton_Srgh00, ton_Srgh10, var_Srgh00, var_Srgh10number... Sorghum (Sorgo).
    are_SugC00, are_SugC10, ton_SugC00, ton_SugC10, var_SugC00, var_SugC10number... Sugarcane (CanaDeAcucar).
    are_Sunf10, ton_Sunf10, var_Sunf10number... Sunflower (Girassol), only for 2010.
    are_SwPo00, are_SwPo10, ton_SwPo00, ton_SwPo10, var_SwPo00, var_SwPo10number... Sweet potateoes (BatataDoce).
    are_Whea00, are_Whea10, ton_Whea00, ton_Whea10, var_Whea00, var_Whea10number... Wheat (Trigo).
    are_perm00, var_perm00, are_perm10, var_perm10numberArea, or value of permanent crops (CultPermanentes) in the years 2000 and 2010.
    are_temp00, var_temp00, are_temp10, var_temp10numberArea, or value of permanent crops (CultPermanentes) in the years 2000 and 2010.
    area_hanumberArea of the municipality in ha.
    name_plainstringName of the municipality.
    perc_legalnumberPercentage of legal reserve of the municipality.
    state_abbrstringAbbreviated state that contains the municipality.


Municipality layer with Planted Forest values. It contains the input values on various types of economically used forest of the Agricultural Census 2006 per municipality. The attribute that is used as 'Planted Forest' input to the allocation algorithm is 'Sistemas agroflorestais'. All attributes exist in several units: area in hectares and number of establishments.
  • Files: wfs_municipalities_plantedforest.dbf, wfs_municipalities_plantedforest.prj, wfs_municipalities_plantedforest.qpj, wfs_municipalities_plantedforest.shp, wfs_municipalities_plantedforest.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 5564
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source:
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    GEOCODIG_MnumberCode of the municipality.
    area_AFSnumberArea (ha) of agro-forest systems (Matas e/ou florestas - florestas plantadas com essencias florestais). Attribute name in GAMS computation: area_ha_2006_AgroForestSystems.
    area_FNLRnumberArea (ha) of native forest in Legal Reserves (the part of a private farm that has to be kept under native vegetation by law, Matas e/ou florestas - naturais destinadas a preservacao permanente ou reserva legal). Attribute name in GAMS computation: area_ha_2006_ForestNativeLegalReserve.
    area_FNOnumberArea (ha) of native forest in farms (Matas e/ou florestas - naturais (exclusive area de preservacao permanente e as em sistemas agroflorestais). Attribute name in GAMS computation: area_ha_2006_ForestNativeOthers.
    area_PLFnumberArea (ha) of planted forest (Sistemas agroflorestais - area cultivada com especies florestais tambem usada para lavouras e pastoreio por animais). Attribute name in GAMS computation: area_ha_2006_ForestPlanted. Note: This is the only type of forest production that is considered as 'Planted Forest' in GLOBIOM. Its total is approximately 4.4 Mi. Ha.
    area_hanumberArea in hectares (numerical attribute), computed in QGIS, using an Albers Equal Area projection.
    name_plainstringName of the municipality without any special characters.
    num_AFSnumberNumber of establishments with agro-forest systems.
    num_FNLRnumberNumber of establishments with legal reserves.
    num_FNOnumberNumber of establishments with native forest.
    num_PLFnumberNumber of establishments with planted forest.
    perc_legalnumberPercent of the municipality's area that is located in the Legal Amazon area.
    state_abbrstringAbbreviation of the federal state.


This municipality layer contains the data of the PPM study (livestock heads and Tropical Livestock Units). These are the values by municipality which were used as input to the allocation algorithm. All attributes exist for the year 2000 and for the year 2010. The unit of the attributes is number of heads, except for the overall pasture area (ha) and the overall livestock amount (tropical livestock units).
  • Files: wfs_municipalities_ppm.dbf, wfs_municipalities_ppm.prj, wfs_municipalities_ppm.qpj, wfs_municipalities_ppm.shp, wfs_municipalities_ppm.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 5564
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: REDD-PAC team
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    cattl_00, cattl_10numberNumber of heads of cattle (Efetivo_2000_Bovinos).
    chi_f_00, chi_f_10numberNumber of heads of female chickens (Efetivo_2000_Galinhas).
    chi_m_00, chi_m_10numberNumber of heads of male chickens (Efetivo_2000_Galos).
    donke_00, donke_10numberNumber of heads of donkeys (Efetivo_2000_Asininos).
    geocodig_mnumberCode of the municipality.
    goats_00, goats_10numberNumber of heads of goats (Efetivo_2000_Caprinos).
    horse_00, horse_10numberNumber of heads of horses (Efetivo_2000_Equinos).
    mules_00, mules_10numberNumber of heads of mules (Efetivo_2000_Muares).
    name_plainstringName of the municipality without any special characters.
    past2000, past2010numberTotal amount of pasture area according in hectares to Gasques (Agricultural Census, extrapolated for the year, 2000, area_ha_2000_pasture). On top of that, pasture area was added to municipalities that do not have any pasture area according to Gasques, but do have livestock according to PPM.
    pigs_00, pigs_10numberNumber of heads of pigs (Efetivo_2000_Suinos).
    rabbit_00, rabbit_10numberNumber of heads of rabbits (Efetivo_2000_Coelhos).
    sheep_00, sheep_10numberNumber of heads of sheep (Efetivo_2000_Ovinos).
    statestringAbbreviation of the federal state.
    tlu2000, tlu2010numberTotal amount of Tropical Livestock Units (tlu_total_2000, tlu_total_2010).


Union of all areas that should be considered as 'protected' in GLOBIOM. Such areas are not available for agricultural expansion. It includes the conservation units, indigenous areas, and a subset of public forests.

Spatially overlaying layers that have overlapping areas often results in so-called 'sliver polygons'. These are small polygons that occur where the same boundary is present in both layers, but not precisely equal. These small polygons are not meaningful and increase computing time and file size. For removing them, we carefully analysed the union in a GIS to find out beneath which area size the polygons mostly are sliver polygons. All areas beneath 50 hectares were either merged to the adjacent polygon with the longest common boundary or deleted (if the longest part of the boundary not adjacent to any area). In this process, 323,838 hectares of protected area was lost, which is about 0.13 % of the total protected areas.

This layer is a union of three input layers, each of which has a set of attributes. If all attributes are kept, this results in a huge table with NULL values for most attributes (table of 1.5 GB). Thus, the attributes from the various individual layers were deleted, while keeping the Ids which allow to reconstruct which areas were included in the first place.

The version on the website, for further reducing loading time, was spatially dissolved. This means that borders between neighbouring areas were removed. The Ids of the individual areas can not be kept in this case. The website version is thus only a visual illustration of the protected areas, without any attributes. The following steps that were carried out to create this layer:
  • A spatial union of conservation units and indigenous areas is computed.
  • A spatial union of the previous union with the public forests is computed (resulting layer in GRASS: union_prot_indig_florpub).
  • Most attributes are removed (resulting layer in GRASS: union_prot_indig_florpub_ lessattrib). This reduces the size of the attribute table from 1.5 GB to 60 MB. Note: A csv file with all the attributes is available.
  • Small areas under a threshold of 50 hectares are removed or merged to adjacent areas (using the GRASS tool 'rmarea'; resulting layer in GRASS: union_prot_indig_florpub_ smallremoved). The shapefile size is reduced from 170 MB to 50 MB.
  • Dissolve version for the website (resulting layer in GRASS: union_prot_indig_florpub_ smallremoved_dissolved). This further reduces the file size to 20 MB.

See the documentation of wfs_protectedareas_attributes.csv for additional information.
  • Files: wfs_protectedareas.dbf, wfs_protectedareas.prj, wfs_protectedareas.qpj, wfs_protectedareas.shp, wfs_protectedareas.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 5756
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: REDD-PAC team
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    catnumberA unique ID of all polygons which share the same attribute values.
    jointidstringThe id of the area, i.e. protected-area ID ('ID_UC0') or indigenous-area ID ('terrai_cod') or public forest ID ('FPCODIGO1'), or a concatenation of the Ids in case of overlapping areas. This only joins one ID per area type, If there is overlaps inside those types, check the 'overlaps' attributes of the maps with the whole set of attributes.
Example: ID_UC0_70,FPCODIGO1_FPA-5240901W-3259762S means that in this location, a conservation unit with the ID '70' is overlapping with a public forest area with the ID 'FPA-5240901W-3259762S'.


Protected areas.
  • File: wfs_protectedareas_attributes.csv
  • Quantity: 204892
  • Separator: ","
  • Source: REDD-PAC team
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    ID_UC0numberThis is an attribute provided by MMA. It is the areas' ID.
    ID_WCMC2, NOME_UC1, NOME_ORG12, CATEGORI3, GRUPO4, ESFERA5, ANO_CRIA6, GID7, QUALIDAD8, ATO_LEGA9, DT_ULTIM10, CODIGO_U11stringOriginal attributes from MMA. Please refer to MMA for documentation.
    area_indigstringArea of the original conservation unit or indigenous area at this location (whose ID is given in the jointid).
    area_protnumberArea of the original conservation unit or indigenous area at this location (whose ID is given in the jointid).
    catnumberA unique ID of all polygons which share the same attribute values.
    fpGID0, fpCATEGORstringTwo attributes from the Public Forests layer (GID0, CATEGOR), please refer to MMA for further documentation.
    jointidstringThe id of the area, i.e. protected-area ID ('ID_UC0') or indigenous-area ID ('terrai_cod') or public forest ID ('FPCODIGO1'), or a concatenation of the Ids in case of overlapping areas. This only joins one ID per area type, If there is overlaps inside those types, check the 'overlaps' attributes of the maps with the whole set of attributes. Example: ID_UC0_70,FPCODIGO1_FPA-5240901W-3259762S means that in this location, a conservation unit with the ID '70' is overlapping with a public forest area with the ID 'FPA-5240901W-3259762S'.
    over_flpb, over_indi, over_protstringOverlapping areas of the various categories. Note: Only overlaps inside one type of area (public forests 'flpb' OR conservation units 'prot' OR indigenous areas 'indi') are recorded here.
    terrai_cod, terrai_nom, etnia_nome, municipio_, uf_sigla, superficie, fase_ti, modalidade, reestudo_t, superfic_1stringOriginal attributes from FUNAI. Please refer to FUNAI for documentation.


Public forests. The public forests map by MMA is one of the parts of the protected areas in GLOBIOM. The version available on the REDD-PAC WFS and on the website is a slightly adapted version of the original data available publicly at MMA. The original map of public forests contains about 0.1 millions of hectares (95,000 ha) of overlapping areas. If such a map is used without removing the overlaps, areas can be counted twice, so we removed them. In the overlapping area, the part belonging to the smaller protected area is removed. Its ID is stored in the attribute 'overlaps', so no information is lost.
  • Files: wfs_publicforests_mma.dbf, wfs_publicforests_mma.prj, wfs_publicforests_mma.qpj, wfs_publicforests_mma.shp, wfs_publicforests_mma.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 7883
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: MMA
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    GID0, FPCODIGO1, NOME2, ORG_GEST3, TIPO_FLO4, ESTAGIO5, CATEGORI6, GRP_DEST7, DATA_CRI8, DOC_LEGA9, MUNI_UF10, BIOMA11, CLAS_VEG12, IMP_PROB13, PRI_PROB14, HECTARES15stringOriginal attributes from MMA. Please refer to MMA for documentation.
    area_geonumberThis is the area of the areas after deletion of overlaps, in meters. In case an area consists of spatially disconnected parts, this attribute contains the area of every single part.
    area_hanumberThis is the area of the areas after deletion of overlaps, in meters. In case an area consists of spatially disconnected parts, this attribute contains the area of every single part.
    area_panumberThis is the area of the entire public forest area, before deletion of overlaps and including all parts of a public forest area (in case it consists of spatially disconnected parts). In meters.
    catmixstringThis indicates whether the area has several categories assigned ('yes') or not ('no'). If an area has several categories, both are given in the FUNAI attribute 'CATEGORI6', separated by semicolon, e.g. 'ARIE; Terra Indigena'.
    loc_codestringThis is an id for the areas. Spatially disconnected parts have different Ids. Parts that overlap with other public forests also get a different ID.
    overlapsstringThis map does not contain any overlaps. When two areas overlap, the part that belongs to the smaller area is deleted. Its ID is recorded in this attribute.
    protectedstringThis indicates whether the category (or one of them) is in the list of fully protected categories (APA, FLOTA, FLONA, PARNA, REBIO, ESEC, RESEX, ARIE, RDS and RVS) ('yes') or not ('no').
    yearnumberThis is the year of creation as a numeric attribute, derived from the text attribute 'DATA_CRI8' from MMA. Areas that are 'em levantamento' (being surveyed) have no value.


Simulation Units with algorithm input. They represent fractions of the land cover per simulation unit. This is an input to the disaggregation algorithm used for distributing crops and pasture area. All fractions sum up to one. For some simulation units, there was not enough information available to cover the entire unit. In these cases, the fractions were expanded to sum up to one, i.e. we assume the land cover to be representative for the entire unit.
  • Files: wfs_simus_algorithminput.dbf, wfs_simus_algorithminput.prj, wfs_simus_algorithminput.qpj, wfs_simus_algorithminput.shp, wfs_simus_algorithminput.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 11003
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: REDD-PAC team
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    SIMUIDnumberThe unique ID of the units.
    fr_CPO_UNnumberLand cover class 'Cropland, pasture or other natural land'.
    fr_FOR_PRnumberForest cover inside protected areas.
    fr_FOR_UNnumberForest cover outside protected areas.
    fr_NOT_PRnumberNot relevant to GLOBIOM inside protected areas ('Not relevant').
    fr_NOT_UNnumberNot relevant to GLOBIOM outside protected areas ('Not relevant').
    fr_OTH_PRnumberFraction of the land cover class 'Other Natural Land' outside protected areas.
    fr_OTH_UNnumberLand cover class 'Other Natural Land' inside protected areas. Later, this will be added to 'Crops, pasture or other natural land'.
    fr_WET_PRnumberWetland inside protected areas.
    fr_WET_UNnumberWetland outside protected areas.


Simulation Units with GLOBIOM land cover. It contains the outputs of the algorithm.
  • Files: wfs_simus_algorithmresults.dbf, wfs_simus_algorithmresults.prj, wfs_simus_algorithmresults.qpj, wfs_simus_algorithmresults.shp, wfs_simus_algorithmresults.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 11003
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: REDD-PAC team
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    CrpLndnumberArea of class 'Cropland'.
    CrpLnd_HnumberArea of cropland in the production system 'High Yield'.
    CrpLnd_InumberArea of cropland in the production system 'Irrigated System'.
    CrpLnd_LnumberArea of cropland in the production system 'Low Yield'.
    CrpLnd_SnumberArea of cropland in the production system 'Subsistence Agriculture'.
    ForestnumberArea of class 'Forest'.
    GrassnumberArea of class 'Grassland'.
    NotRelnumberArea of class 'Not Relevant'.
    OthAgrinumberArea of class 'Other Agricultural Land' (cropland of all crops that are not individually listed in GLOBIOM) in the simulation unit.
    OthNatLndnumberArea of class 'Other Natural Land'.
    PAsnumberArea of class 'Protected Areas'.
    SIMUIDnumberThe unique ID of the units.
    SimUareanumberArea of the simulation unit, provided by GLOBIOM.
    WetLndnumberArea of class 'Wetland'.
    fr_CrpLndnumberFraction of class 'Cropland'.
    fr_ForestnumberFraction of class 'Forest'.
    fr_GrassnumberFraction of class 'Grassland'.
    fr_NotRelnumberFraction of class 'Not Relevant'.
    fr_OthAgrinumberFraction of class 'Other Agricultural Land' (cropland of all crops that are not individually listed in GLOBIOM) in the simulation unit.
    fr_OthNatLnumberFraction of class 'Other Natural Land'.
    fr_PAsnumberFraction of class 'Protected Areas'.
    fr_WetLndnumberFraction of class 'Wetland'.


Simulation Units for Brazil. They are the fundamental geographical unit for GLOBIOM simulations. All the input data as well as the results are given on this spatial level.
  • Files: wfs_simus_basis.dbf, wfs_simus_basis.prj, wfs_simus_basis.qpj, wfs_simus_basis.shp, wfs_simus_basis.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 11003
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: Adapted from IIASA (
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    COUNTRYnumberThe country code, which is 76 (for Brazil).
    GRD30stringReference number in a 30'' wide latitude/longitude grid.
    HRUnumberHomogeneous Response Unit.
    SIMUIDnumberThe unique ID of the unit.
    area_hanumberArea of the simulation unit in ha.
    prot_fornumberPercentage of forest inside the protected areas.
    prot_nonfnumberPercentage of nonforest inside the protected areas.
    protectednumberOverall percentage of protected areas (all land cover classes).


Individual crops by Simulation Units for Brazil.
  • Files: wfs_simus_individualcrops.dbf, wfs_simus_individualcrops.prj, wfs_simus_individualcrops.qpj, wfs_simus_individualcrops.shp, wfs_simus_individualcrops.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 11003
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: REDD-PAC team
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    BarlnumberBarley (Cevada).
    BeaDnumberDry Beans (Feijao).
    CassnumberCassava (Mandioca).
    CornnumberCorn (Milho).
    CottnumberCotton (Algodao).
    GnutnumberGroundnuts (Amendoim).
    OPALnumberOil Palm (Dende).
    PotanumberPotatoes (Batata).
    RicenumberRice (Arroz).
    SIMUIDnumberThe unique ID of the units.
    SoyanumberSoya (Soja).
    SrghnumberSorghum (Sorgo).
    SugCnumberSugarcane (Cana-De-Acucar).
    SwPonumberSweet Potatoes (Batata Doce).
    WheanumberWheat (Trigo).


Simulation Units layer with livestock data. This layer shows the amount of tropical livestock units per animal species. This is an output of the disaggregation algorithm.
  • Files: wfs_simus_livestock.dbf, wfs_simus_livestock.prj, wfs_simus_livestock.qpj, wfs_simus_livestock.shp, wfs_simus_livestock.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 11003
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source:
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    SIMUIDnumberThe unique ID of the units.
    fr_BOVI00, fr_BOVI10, fr_GOAT00, fr_GOAT10, fr_PIGS00, fr_PIGS10, fr_PTRY00, fr_PTRY10, fr_SHEP00, fr_SHEP10numberBovines/cattle (fraction of bovines in the total Tropical Livestock Units) in the years 2000 and 2010. The same pattern applies for other animal species.
    t_BOVI00, t_BOVI10numberBovines/cattle (Tropical Livestock Units) in the years 2000 and 2010.
    t_GOAT00, t_GOAT10numberGoats (Tropical Livestock Units).
    t_PIGS00, t_PIGS10numberPigs (Tropical Livestock Units).
    t_PTRY00, t_PTRY10numberPoultry (Tropical Livestock Units).
    t_SHEP00, t_SHEP10numberSheep (Tropical Livestock Units).
    total2000, total2010numberSum of tropical livestock units in the year 2000 (total = 137.6 Mi TLU) and 2010 (total = 171.5 Mi TLU).


Simulation Units layer with MODIS. These layers contain the fractions of MODIS land cover (in the IGBP classification). For further documentation, please refer to the MODIS project.


Simulation Units with Planted Forest Area. It contains the amount of planted per simulation unit. This is an output of the disaggregation algorithm.


Simulation Units with PRODES data. It has fractions of the data of each simulation unit that is covered by a specific land cover class in the PRODES dataset. Please note that the PRODES dataset only covers the Legal Amazon area.
  • Files: wfs_simus_prodes.dbf, wfs_simus_prodes.prj, wfs_simus_prodes.qpj, wfs_simus_prodes.shp, wfs_simus_prodes.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 11003
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: REDD-PAC team
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    DESFLORESTnumberDeforested area found in 2012.
    DSF_ANTnumberAnterior deforestation.
    FLORESTAnumberForested area in 2012.
    HIDROGRAFInumberWater area.
    NAO_FLORESnumberNon-forest area (has never been forest). The non-forest mask used by PRODES is the same every year.
    NUVEMnumberCloud-cover in 2012.
    RESIDUOnumberPixels that could not be classified.
    SIMUIDnumberThe unique ID of the units.
    area_hanumberArea of the simulation unit, provided by GLOBIOM.
    d1997_0, d1999_0, d2000_0, d2000_2, d2000_3, d2001_0, d2001_3, d2001_4, d2002_0, d2002_1, d2002_4, d2002_5, d2003_0, d2003_1, d2003_2, d2003_5, d2003_6, d2004_0, d2004_1, d2004_2, d2004_3, d2004_6, d2004_7, d2005_0, d2005_1, d2005_2, d2005_3, d2005_4, d2005_7, d2006_0, d2006_1, d2006_2, d2006_3, d2006_4, d2006_5, d2006_6, d2006_7, d2007_0, d2007_1, d2007_2, d2007_3, d2007_4, d2007_5, d2007_6, d2007_7, d2008_0, d2008_1, d2008_2, d2008_3, d2008_4, d2008_5, d2008_6, d2008_7, d2009_0, d2009_1, d2009_2, d2009_3, d2009_4, d2009_5, d2009_6, d2009_7, d2010_0, d2010_1, d2010_2, d2010_3, d2010_4, d2010_5, d2010_6, d2010_7, d2011_0, d2011_1, d2011_2, d2011_4, d2011_5, d2011_6, d2011_7numberDeforested area identified in a specific year. The number under the underscore indicated for how many years that pixel had not been seen before, so the deforestation could have taken place earlier.
    defor_allnumberSum of all deforestation area (incl. 'DSF_ANT' and 'DESFLORESTAMENTO').
    no_datanumberArea covered by pixels with value zero (area covered by the raster, but outside Legal Amazon).


Simulation Units with TerraClass 2008 data. All attributes express the share of a simulation unit's area that is covered with that specific land cover/land use. Thus, the attribute values range from 0 to 1 and all attributes add up to 1. Note: The original description of the dataset which was provided along with the raster contains the class 'FLORESTA_SOB_NUVEM' (forest under cloud cover), but no pixel was assigned this class. The same goes for 'DV' (dummy value).
  • Files: wfs_simus_terraclass2008.dbf, wfs_simus_terraclass2008.prj, wfs_simus_terraclass2008.qpj, wfs_simus_terraclass2008.shp, wfs_simus_terraclass2008.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 11003
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: Adapted from INPE
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    AgroPecnumberMixed crop-livestock farming ('Agropecuaria').
    AnnuAgrinumberAnnual agriculture ('Agricultura_Anual').
    Defor08numberAccumulated deforested area in 2008 ('Desflorestamento_2008').
    ForestnumberForest ('Floresta').
    MiningnumberMining area ('Mineracao').
    MosaOcunumberArea with a mosaic of occupations ('Mosaico de ocupacoes').
    NonforestnumberNon-forest ('Nao_Floresta').
    NotObsnumberNot observed area ('Area_nao_observada').
    OthernumberOther land cover ('Outros').
    PastLimpnumberClean pasture area ('Pasto limpo').
    PastSolExnumberPasture area with exposed soil ('Pasto com solo exposto').
    PastSujonumberUnclean pasture area ('Pasto sujo').
    RegPastnumberRegenerated area with pasture ('Regeneracao_com_pasto').
    SIMUIDnumberThe unique ID of the units.
    SecoVegnumberSecondary vegetation ('Vegetacao_secundaria').
    UrbannumberUrban area ('Area_urbana').
    WaternumberWater ('Hidrografia').


Simulation Units with TerraClass 2010 data. All attributes express the share of a simulation unit's area that is covered with that specific land cover/land use. Thus, the attribute values range from 0 to 1 and all attributes add up to 1. In various cases, the state of Acre uses different class names than the other states. The classes with different names are kept separate in this dataset for the user to make his/her own choice of adding classes up. Note: The original description of the dataset which was provided along with the raster contains the class 'VS2008_SOB_NUVEM' (secondary vegetation of 2008 under cloud cover), but no pixel was assigned this class. The same goes for 'VEGETACAO_SECUNDARIA' (secondary vegetation), 'PASTAGEM_MUITO_DEGRADADA_SE' (very degraded pasture, secondary vegetation), 'NAO_FLORESTA_2' (a 2nd non-forest class), 'DV' (dummy value), 'FLORESTA_SOB_NUVEM' (forest under cloud-cover) and 'HIDROGRAFIA_2' (a 2nd water class).
  • Files: wfs_simus_terraclass2010.dbf, wfs_simus_terraclass2010.prj, wfs_simus_terraclass2010.qpj, wfs_simus_terraclass2010.shp, wfs_simus_terraclass2010.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 11003
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: Adapted from INPE
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    AGRInumberAgricultural area ('Agricultura').
    AGRI_ANUALnumberAnnual agriculture ('Agricultura_Anual').
    AGROPECUnumberMixed crop-livestock farming ('Agropecuaria'). This class includes area in the state of Acre.
    DESFL2010numberAccumulated deforested area in 2010 ('Desflorestamento_2010'). This class includes area in all states of the Legal Amazon except for Acre.
    DESMAT2010numberAccumulated deforested area in 2010 ('Desmate_2010'). This class includes area in the state of Acre.
    FLORESTAnumberForest ('Floresta').
    HIDROnumberWater ('Hidrografia').
    MINERACAOnumberMining area ('Mineracao').
    MOSAICnumberArea with a mosaic of occupations ('Mosaico de ocupacoes'). This class includes area in all states of the Legal Amazon except for Acre.
    NAO_FLORnumberNon-forest ('Nao Floresta'). This is all area that is naturally not forest, so its current land-use is not being mapped by the TerraClass project.
    NOT_OBSnumberNot observed area ('Area_nao_observada').
    NUVEMnumberCloud-covered area ('Nuvem').
    OUTROSnumberOthers ('Outros').
    PALMOILnumberOil palm culture ('Oleo_de_palma').
    PASDEGnumberDegraded pasture area ('Pastagem_degradada'). This class includes area in the state of Acre.
    PASDEG_VEnumberVery degraded pasture area with vegetation ('Pastagem_muito_degradada_veg'). This class includes area in the state of Acre.
    PAS_LIMnumberClean pasture area ('Pasto limpo'). This class includes area in all states of the Legal Amazon except for Acre.
    PAS_LIM2numberClean pasture area ('Pastagem limpa'). This class includes area in the state of Acre.
    PAS_SOLEXnumberPasture with exposed soil ('Pasto_com_solo_exposto').
    PAS_SUJnumberUnclean pasture area ('Pasto_sujo'). This class includes area in all states of the Legal Amazon except for Acre.
    QUEIMADOnumberBurnt area ('Area_queimada').
    REFLORESTnumberReforested area ('Reflorestamento').
    REG_PASTOnumberRegenerated area with pasture ('Regeneracao_com_pasto'). This class includes area in all states of the Legal Amazon except for Acre.
    SIMUIDnumberThe unique ID of the units.
    URBANAnumberUrban area ('Area urbana'). This class includes area in all states of the Legal Amazon except for Acre.
    URBANOnumberUrban area ('Urbano'). This class includes area in the state of Acre.
    VS_2010numberSecondary vegetation identifed in the year 2010 ('VS2010').
    noclassnumberArea outside TerraClass2010's study area, i.e. outside the Legal Amazon. No TerraClass 2010 pixels are available in this area.


SOS Mata Atlantica.
  • Files: wfs_sosma.dbf, wfs_sosma.prj, wfs_sosma.qpj, wfs_sosma.shp, wfs_sosma.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 426275
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source:
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    class_globstringGLOBIOM Land Cover class. This has only one value: 'FOREST'.
    legendastringLand cover. This map includes the classes: Mata; Decremento de mata 2000-2005; Decremento de mata 2005-2008; Decremento de mata 2010-2011; Decremento de mata 2011-2012; Decremento de mata 2008-2010; Desmatamentos identificados em 2012. Other classes present in the original SOSMA dataset have been excluded.
    statestringAcronym of the state with lowercase.


Vegetation map of Brazil. The vegetation map by IBGE is the base map for the GLOBIOM land cover map. The version available on the REDD-PAC WFS and on the website is a slightly adapted version of the original data available publicly at IBGE. We cleaned the original data, by removing open seas polygons and eemoved Portuguese diacritics from text attributes. We also corrected 'Vegetacao Ombrofila' to 'Floresta Ombrofila', as on the official IBGE document, only 'Floresta Ombrofila' exists. We created the name, code and label attributes from the existing information of codes and names of current and previous vegetation. Finally, we added the classification to IGBP and GLOBIOM classes and the forest flag.
  • Files: wfs_vegetation_ibge.dbf, wfs_vegetation_ibge.prj, wfs_vegetation_ibge.qpj, wfs_vegetation_ibge.shp, wfs_vegetation_ibge.shx
  • Representation: polygon
  • Quantity: 2159
  • Projection: 'WGS 84', with EPSG: 4326 (PROJ4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ')
  • Source: Adapted from IBGE (
  • Attribute TypeDescription
    class_globstringThe original vegetation classes were mapped by the REDD-PAC team to GLOBIOM land cover classes. Please note that this does not show the final GLOBIOM classes, as these will be complemented by other data sources.
    class_igbpstringThe original vegetation classes were mapped by the REDD-PAC team to vegetation classes according to IGBP.
    coarse_codstringDetailed vegetation code. It contains the code for current vegetation and, in case of human influenced areas, the code for previous vegetation as well.
    coarse_labstringName and code of aggregated vegetation group.
    coarse_namstringName of the aggregatedvegetation group, e.g. 'Estepe' instead of 'Estepe arborizada'.
    curr_codstringCode of nowadays vegetation, e.g. 'Ea'.
    curr_labstringCode and name of current vegetation, for labelling purposes, e.g. 'Ea = Estepe arborizada'.
    curr_namstringName of nowadays vegetation, e.g. 'Estepe arborizada'.
    detail_codstringCode of the aggregated vegetation group, e.g. 'E' instead of 'Ea', 'Ep', 'Eg'.
    detail_labstringCode and name of current and previous vegetation, for labelling purposes.
    detail_namstringName of vegetation, including previous vegetation in case of human influenced areas, e.g. 'Atividades Agrarias (previous: Estepe)'.
    forestflagnumberThis indicated whether the vegetation is considered as forest in GLOBIOM (=1) or not (=0).
    prev_codstringCode of previous vegetation.
    prev_labstringCode and name of previous vegetation, for labelling purposes.
    prev_namstringName of previous vegetation.

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