REDD-PAC meeting in Cambridge, UK

The project held a meeting at UNEP-WCMC headquarters in Cambridge, UK. Researchers from IPEA, INPE, IIASA and UNEP-WCMC participated. This three-day meeting was the second opportunity for REDD-PAC project partners to review together the work progress and pending issues. Crucial issues such as land cover classification, tropical forestry, and relevant policy scenarios were in particular discussed.

A series of technical meetings to be held by the end of the year will lead to the presentation of preliminary results at the UNFCCC COP19 in November 2013 in Warsaw, Poland, and to Brazilian policy stakeholders in early 2014.

  • Meeting agenda.
  • Meeting presentations

    IIASA team - IIASA progress

    Adriana Affonso and Ricardo Cartaxo (INPE) - Preliminary results (1)

    Pedro Andrade (INPE) - Putting GLOBIOM data into a database

    Aline Soterroni and Fernando Ramos (INPE) - GLOBIOM Brazil: Preliminary results (2)

    Giovana Espindola and Ricardo Cartaxo (INPE) - GLOBIOM Brazil: Preliminary results (3)

    UNEP-WCMC team - UNEP-WCMC progress

    Gilberto Camara (INPE) - Land use and land cover in REDD-PAC – Amazonia

    Gilberto Camara (INPE) - Land policies in Brazil: Questions of interest

    Rebecca Mant - Ensuring policy relevance of the project

    Dmitry Schepaschenko (IIASA) - Towards a biomass map that meets the requirements of the REDD-PAC project

    Project Partners

    International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

    National Institute for Space Research - Brazil

    Commission des forets d'Afrique Centrale/Central African Forests Commission

    United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre

    Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada

    Funding Organization

    Germany International Climate Initiative

    Endorsed by

    Global Land Project